4 things to expect after going to the gym for a month, according to an exercise physiologist

The end of the first month of a new exercise routine is a critical time, according to Tom Holland, an exercise physiologist. He said that's when many people give up on their new habit but it's also when regular exercise will get easier and its benefits will become more apparent.

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  • People may want to give up after a month of a new exercise routine, but that's when it gets easier.
  • An exercise physiologist says people can get unmotivated by soreness.
  • He said that while you might not see changes in the mirror, things are changing in your body.

The end of the first month of a new exercise routine is a critical time, according to Tom Holland, an exercise physiologist. He said that's when many people give up on their new habit — but it's also when regular exercise will get easier and its benefits will become more apparent.

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Holland said that people's initial motivation usually begins to fall after the first few weeks of exercise as they become discouraged by soreness and a lack of "gains."

But he said that these changes are all normal in the first month of a new exercise routine and that it'll get easier as long as you give yourself realistic goals.

You'll probably be less motivated

Holland, who hosts the podcast "Fitness Disrupted 2.0," said the biggest change to expect after a month of going to the gym is feeling less motivated.

He said that when people start going to the gym or just exercising more often, they usually have a lot of motivation to propel them through the first few weeks.

He added that a common mistake he sees people make in this first month is to take on too much too fast, which causes them to burn out or get injured.

The key to making exercise a long-term habit, Holland said, is to start with smaller, more attainable goals.

"It's just 'I am going to go to the gym three times a week,'" he said. "It can be a half-hour, it could be 20 minutes, it could be two hours, whatever. But at the end of the week, you say, 'Did I go three times?'"

He said that making a rough plan — like walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes — can help you feel accomplished when you walk out of the gym. Holland calls this strategy "excessive moderation," whereby accomplishing small, attainable goals accrues over time and keeps you coming back.

You'll likely feel sorest in the first month

One aspect of starting a fitness routine that can scare people off in the first month, Holland said, is soreness.

He said that working out causes microtears in your muscles, which then can result in delayed-onset muscle soreness. He added that often this soreness will be at its worst the second day after exercising a muscle, which can make people concerned.

But Holland said this soreness is normal and will be the most intense in the first month as your body gets used to the exercise you're doing. As long as you stick with it, he said, your soreness will quickly get less severe.

He said the best thing to do for soreness is low-intensity exercise like walking because it helps get blood flowing to your muscles, which can speed up recovery.

Don't expect much from the mirror or the scale

Holland said that whether you're trying to lose weight, gain muscle, or do both, you probably won't notice much change in the first month. Try not to let this discourage you, he said, because just beyond this point is when these physical changes will start to occur.

He said your body is undergoing significant neuromuscular changes in this first month, as your brain makes more connections with your muscles and recruits more muscle fibers.

While these changes might not be external, you may notice you can do a few more push-ups or breathe a little easier when running, depending on the training you're doing. These first "gains," he said, will help build a foundation for external changes later.

You'll most likely feel hungrier

Holland said that exercising regularly will also probably mean you feel hungrier more often as your body burns more calories.

But be wary of calorie counters, he said, as they often overestimate how many calories you burn.

He also said that while it can be difficult, try to resist "reward eating" — or eating highly caloric, processed foods — after exercising. Holland recommends eating a big breakfast with little processed food and lots of protein to feel satisfied and ward off cravings.

Ultimately, Holland said, exercising regularly is a long process, and the results you want won't happen overnight. He said to be patient with yourself and remember the benefits are greater than what you see in the mirror.

"Just know that it's a journey. It's so cliché to say, but it's true," he said. "Don't expect the results really quickly, and be proud of every workout you do."

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