15 Secrets About the Making of Accepted

13. Bartleby's rendition of "Blitzkrieg Bop" was "supposed to be like the bigFerris Bueller scene," Long told Chuck the Movie Guy in 2006, referring to Matthew Brodericklip-syncing the hell out of "Twist & Shout" inFerris Bueller's Day Off.But it wasn't quite thebadass moment he envisioned it would be.

13. Bartleby's rendition of "Blitzkrieg Bop" was "supposed to be like the big Ferris Bueller scene," Long told Chuck the Movie Guy in 2006, referring to Matthew Broderick lip-syncing the hell out of "Twist & Shout" in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. But it wasn't quite the badass moment he envisioned it would be.

He rehearsed it once with The Ringers, the band they were working with on set, Long recalled, disregarding any suggestions that he might want to save his energy for when the cameras were rolling. "And I got a little tired and weird," he said, so when he got up to perform the relatively short song again, "I went all out, [like] 'Yeah, I'm a rock star,' it was awesome. And I got off stage and I had the most non-rock-star reaction that you could possibly have. I got off stage...and I went [feigning wooziness], 'Oh my god, I think I'm gonna pass out, seriously, I can't stand up.'"

"I felt like I was going to faint," Long said. "The makeup lady had to bring a big thing of Pedialyte over, which I was drinking out of a straw for the rest of the day. I did one more take and I was like—you know, all these extras were watching me, it was so lame...So if ever I harbored any secret desires to be a rock star, they were completely dashed in that moment."

He shouldn't feel too bad: Ferris did sorta faint into those dirndl-wearing dancers' arms at the end of his big number.

