Tupac Shakur Memorabilia Auction Still A Go Despite Lawsuit Threats b

A Brooklyn auction house isn't backing down from selling Tupac Shakur's most prized possessions, despite a couple of aggressive lawsuits from the estate of his late mother, Afeni. Black Heritage Auction is selling 2Pac's handwritten lyrics and jewelry the very day he gets inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

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A Brooklyn auction house isn't backing down from selling Tupac Shakur's most prized possessions, despite a couple of aggressive lawsuits from the estate of his late mother, Afeni.

Black Heritage Auction is selling 2Pac's handwritten lyrics and jewelry the very day he gets inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

There's a lot of loot on the line ... the 39 items have a starting bid of $480k, and the auction company's goal is to sell in the 7 figure range. Some of the highlights include Pac's:

- "All Eyez On Me" tracklist ... $30k
- "All Eyez On Me Book II" CD master ... $20k
- Nose stud from the cover of "All Eyez On Me" ... $7.5k
- New York Prisoner Identification Card ... $10k
- Personal signed Koran ... $30k
- Gold and diamond medallion ... $38k
- Famous Dolce & Gabbana wool jacket ... $7.5k
- Lyrics for "Wonda Why They Call U Bitch" ... $15k

A company rep tells us they never reached out to Afeni's estate because they didn't think they needed to -- they feel they got the stuff lawfully. Lawyers for the estate beg to differ.

Afeni's estate sued a different auction house for hawking Pac's old passport, driver's license and a bunch of other stuff they claim wasn't the dealer's to sell. For the record, Black Heritage Auction has not been contacted by the estate.

