'Judge Judy' was plagued by sexual harassment claims, drinking on the job, and racism, former employ

Judith Sheindlin occupies a nearly divine perch in television. The 5-foot-2 family-court judge known for her black robe, lace collar, and acid tongue has been doling out tough-love legal verdicts since the Clinton administration, and the approach has paid off. She brought in a whopping $47 million a year for just 52 days

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Judith Sheindlin occupies a nearly divine perch in television. The 5-foot-2 family-court judge — known for her black robe, lace collar, and acid tongue — has been doling out tough-love legal verdicts since the Clinton administration, and the approach has paid off. She brought in a whopping $47 million a year for just 52 days a year of filming at CBS, and she has held onto the sort of cultural cachet that has eluded many of her contemporaries.

Following a public dispute with CBS — said to be over money and, improbably, Drew Barrymore's talk show — "Judge Judy" wrapped in spring of this year. Amazon quickly stepped in, paying Sheindlin an estimated $25 million for 120 new episodes of "Judy Justice," which the company hopes will serve as a cornerstone of its IMDb TV free streaming service. The deal was reportedly the largest-ever first-season order of a single show by a streamer. "Judy Justice" launched on Monday. 

In a recent New York Times interview, Sheindlin said that while her robe would change color for the new show — from black to a deep maroon — she intended to keep the legacy of the original production going, including her hard-nosed, moralizing style. "I bring eyeballs because, at least for one hour a day, people see that someone is holding the line," she said. "I'm unafraid to call out irresponsible, un-American behavior. If we settle for mediocrity, we get what we deserve."

Sheindlin presides over her courtroom. Sonja Flemming/CBS/Getty

But some of Sheindlin's former colleagues, dating back to the mid-aughts until the show wrapped, say she failed to hold the line against racism, sexual harassment, and abuse at her own show. An Insider investigation involving interviews with 16 former "Judge Judy" employees, as well as a review of thousands of pages of court records, has found that Sheindlin's long-standing executive producer and director Randy Douthit has repeatedly been accused of sexually harassing employees, making inappropriate sexual comments to female staffers, offering preferential treatment to staffers he found attractive, and ordering junior producers to bring fewer Black litigants on the show.

The former employees who spoke to Insider described an unrelenting high-pressure environment behind the scenes at the show. They accused Douthit and his deputies — the supervising producer Victoria Jenest and the co-executive producer Amy Freisleben — of fostering a workplace culture in which staffers were pitted against one another, threats of termination were frequent, drinking during work hours was not unusual, cases were manipulated to artificially increase the drama, and a vicious contempt for litigants who appeared before Sheindlin was common.

Do you have a story about "Judge Judy" or another television show? Contact reporter Nicole Einbinder.

Many of the accusations were made in public lawsuits filed by former employees going back to the early 2000s until 2008, all of which named the show as a defendant and were reported in the media at the time. Former employees told Insider that Sheindlin exercised minute control over the production, and they believed she was aware of many of the accusations against Douthit and of the way her staff was treated. Still, she continued to employ Douthit, Jenest, and Freisleben, and the trio will continue to produce "Judy Justice" for Amazon.

"I am probably the luckiest on-air personality in the history of television to have had Randy Douthit and Amy Freisleben shepherd my program for over two decades," Sheindlin told Deadline in September. "They continuously make me look good."

But court records tell a different story.

In 2007, for instance, according to an affidavit obtained by Insider, a former producer named Courtney Bullock said Douthit subjected her to a "pervasive pattern of sexual harassment, racial discrimination, and retaliation." Bullock, who is Black, claimed in a complaint filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that Douthit repeatedly touched her inappropriately, asked her about her sex life, told her sexual jokes, and attempted to set her up romantically with a married friend. When she declined his advances, she claimed he retaliated by criticizing her work and eventually firing her in 2006.

"It was clear that if I had agreed to a quid pro quo relationship with Mr. Douthit, including accepting invitations to his home, and being receptive to his sexual advances, he would not have retaliated against me," she said, according to the document. It's unclear whether the EEOC investigated the complaint or came to any conclusions. The agency declined to comment, noting that it is legally barred from confirming or denying the existence of specific cases.

"These allegations were completely fabricated," a lawyer representing Douthit wrote in response to Insider's questions about Bullock's complaint. "Ms. Bullock never filed a lawsuit, was never paid any money in connection with the complaint, and voluntarily elected not to continue pursuing her claims." 

Bullock could not be reached for comment. 

"As soon as I heard about everything with #MeToo, it was a matter of time for [Douthit], and I'm a little bit shocked it hasn't happened yet," said one former production assistant who worked on the show a decade ago. 

"[Sheindlin] does not care how the show gets made. She just wants the money in her pocket, and she doesn't care how the producers are treated," a former producer added. "It disgusts me that her pockets will continue to be lined with the blood, sweat, and tears of these producers who will continue to be abused, and with these poor people who are coming on her show to simply be embarrassed and essentially belittled by Judge Judy."

It disgusts me that her pockets will continue to be lined with the blood, sweat, and tears of these producers who will continue to be abused.

Not everyone reached by Insider was critical of the show. Two former employees said they had positive experiences there, and one former production assistant went so far as to say that he wished he still worked there.

Lindsay Sutton, who worked at the show as an associate producer from 2012 to 2013, said she was grateful that Douthit and the show took a chance on her as a 22-year-old trying to enter the industry. She said she forged close friendships and said she never heard Douthit speak inappropriately.

In a statement, Sheindlin defended her stewardship of the show that bears her name but did not address the accusations against Douthit. "To author a piece which speculates that I 'was untouchable,'  'don't care how the show gets made,' 'that I don't trust anyone,' 'didn't like cases involving dogs, dog bites or strippers,' 'by and large didn't interact with staffers,'  'wasn't worried about the coronavirus,' is appalling," Sheindlin said. 

"Seventy-five percent of the staff and crew from 'Judge Judy' now works at 'Judy Justice,'" a spokesman for Sheindlin added. "The majority of those individuals have been with Judge Sheindlin, on average, from a decade to her entire 25 year run. That's a rarity, especially in the television industry.  It happens because there is a positive work environment where there is mutual respect."

"No complaints have been filed on the set of IMDb TV's 'Judy Justice,'" a representative for IMDb TV wrote in an email. "All these allegations relate to conduct that occurred prior to our production, but we are taking this seriously and looking into the matter. IMDb TV does not tolerate discrimination or harassment in any form, and individuals working on our productions are encouraged to raise concerns."

"Mr. Douthit categorically denies that he ever engaged in any sexual harassment, racism or any other abusive conduct towards members of the show's production or its participants," Douthit's lawyer wrote. "Mr. Douthit has always fostered a supportive, productive, safe and inclusive work environment for everyone involved in the show. It is apparent that Insider is relying largely, if not entirely, upon questionable uncorroborated sources, disgruntled former employees, and unfounded allegations, the vast majority of which date back fifteen to twenty years, to paint a false narrative regarding Mr. Douthit and the show."

Neither Jenest nor Freisleben responded to requests for comment made through IMDb TV.


In court records, former staffers claimed top producers fostered a culture of sexual harassment

In the 1980s and 1990s, back before she ever set foot in Hollywood, Sheindlin had already built a reputation as a firecracker judge in the New York Family Court system. Though her attitude and comments provoked criticism from lawyers, defendants, and child-welfare advocates alike, Sheindlin's performance on the bench helped launch her to stardom.

"Tart, tough-talking, and hopelessly blunt, Sheindlin runs her court with an impatience that borders on rage," read a 1993 profile, adding: "Bullying and often rude, Sheindlin scorches people with insults, leaving them speechless."

Judge Judy and the bailiff Petri Hawkins Byrd on the set in 1997. Donaldson Collection/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty

She capitalized on the attention with "Judge Judy," which premiered in 1996 and was produced by Big Ticket Television and distributed by CBS. The format was simple: Stringers across the country sent in promising cases found in small-claims courts from Florida to North Dakota. The show's producers would then divide them up and try to recruit the litigants to agree to appear on the show. When staffers were successful, their cases then had to be approved, first by Jenest and then by Douthit.

Sheindlin arbitrated the chosen cases in the show's Southern California studio. Her decisions were legally binding, and the litigants couldn't appeal her decision in a regular court of law. In addition to the money awarded, the show also covered travel and lodging and provided a food stipend.

For the past decade, the show has been the top-rated program in first-run syndication, according to The New York Times, with about 10 million Americans tuning in daily. (Her closest competitors, "Ellen" and "Dr. Phil," pulled in 2.9 million and 3.9 million viewers, respectively.) 

Since the beginning, Douthit, an alum of CNN's "Larry King Live," which he created and executive produced, was by her side. Described by former employees as a powerful presence in the office with old-school ways, Douthit has been accused of harassing and verbally abusing female employees going back to his CNN days, according to interviews and court records obtained by Insider. Douthit's alleged conduct has been the subject of at least three employment lawsuits since 2001, according to an Insider review; all three lawsuits also named "The Judge Judy Show" as a defendant. One was settled, one was referred to arbitration and later dismissed at the plaintiff's request, and one ended in a judgment in favor of the defendants. As many as five other employees went to human resources about Douthit during that time frame, according to allegations in court records. (While several of the lawsuits were reported at the time, many of the details in this story are being published for the first time.)

Judy knew she was untouchable, Randy knew Judy was untouchable, and Randy also knows that Judy would protect him at all costs.

In the mid- to late 2000s, Douthit also allegedly carried out a relationship with one of his junior staffers, according to two people with direct knowledge of the matter and six who were subsequently told about it. When he promoted the woman to supervising producer, the same title held by Jenest, Jenest and another producer hired a private investigator to follow Douthit and the staffer with the intent of documenting their relationship. (The woman's identity is known to Insider; she did not respond to multiple requests for comment.)

Jenest and the producer eventually brought evidence of a relationship back to CBS, which compensated them for hiring the private investigator, according to two people with knowledge of the incident. The woman left the show, and Douthit remained in his position. Two former staffers told Insider they believed Douthit was able to keep his job because he was well liked by Sheindlin.

"She doesn't trust anyone, and the only person she trusts is Randy, and there were so many times he should have been fired but he was not because Judge Judy just kept coming in and saving him," one of these people said.

Speaking generally about Sheindlin's relationship with Douthit, a different former producer told Insider, "Judy knew she was untouchable, Randy knew Judy was untouchable, and Randy also knows that Judy would protect him at all costs."

In 2001, according to court records, a segment producer named Shawn Griggs alleged that Douthit launched a "personal campaign of gender harassment" against her, accusing him of "abusive treatment" that she said eventually led her to take a medical leave of absence.

Griggs claimed that Douthit retaliated against her after he became convinced she had spoken with CBS Paramount's human-resources department about him: Douthit called her into his office, closed the door, and asked whether she had a problem with him and whether she had spoken with HR, she said in a deposition.

She alleged that Douthit called her "ugly" and insinuated that she was "evil," according to the deposition. She said he criticized her hair and weight, humiliated her during staff meetings, and once grabbed her and kissed her head. She said Douthit routinely rejected the cases that she pitched for inclusion in the show and threatened to fire her. When she approached Jenest for advice on how to deal with the way Douthit treated her, she said, Jenest told her to "schmooze" and "flirt a little" with Douthit. "He likes that," Jenest told her, according to Griggs' deposition. 

In court filings, Douthit said he never criticized Griggs' hair, and that he only commented on her appearance because he wished she would eat more. Asked in a deposition if he grabbed Griggs and kissed her head, he replied, "When I saw her, I grabbed her and hugged her and kissed her on the top of her head and said, 'Welcome back.'"

Griggs complained about the treatment to human resources, but said in her lawsuit that Douthit was never formally disciplined. Instead, CBS hired an executive coach to help him work on his management skills.

Griggs went on medical leave in the winter of 2001; she eventually left the show. (A declaration in Griggs' case from Douthit's former assistant said that at least four other women who had raised complaints about Douthit also left the show after speaking out.) The case was dismissed on summary judgment in 2002, a ruling that was later affirmed on appeal. 

The judge found that "the sporadic comments of Douthit regarding plaintiff's hair, her weight, her lack of good looks, his daughter's lack of intelligence as compared to his son's, and a kiss on the forehead and hug when she returned to work from a leave of absence do not create a gender hostile work environment."

Griggs couldn't be reached, and her attorney didn't respond to multiple requests for comment. In response to questions about the Griggs lawsuit, Douthit's lawyer wrote that "the allegations pertaining to Mr. Douthit in this lawsuit were completely false." He also noted that "the trial court determined that based upon the undisputed material facts, Ms. Griggs' claims failed as a matter of law."


Other women also accused Douthit of unwanted touching, verbal abuse, and inappropriate comments

Nancy Barry, who worked as Douthit's assistant from 1996 to 1998, said she received several complaints about Douthit's behavior from women working on the show, according to a declaration she filed in Griggs' lawsuit. In one instance, Barry said, a former receptionist told her that Douthit harassed her and asked, "When are you going to fuck me?" The receptionist did not return for the show's second season.

Barry, who later became a segment producer, said in her declaration that she personally witnessed Douthit's behavior, which she characterized as "erratic." He often had fits of rage and was hostile toward certain women, she said, adding that, in her experience, producers who received fair treatment and whose cases were accepted tended to be "attractive women" who flirted with him.

She approached then-Big Ticket president Larry Lyttle and human resources about Douthit's behavior in 2000. In response, she recalled, Lyttle asked something like, "If he doesn't like women, why does he hire them?"

Barry was ultimately fired after speaking out about Douthit, despite assurances from human resources that her job would be safe, according to court records. She declined to comment for this story. 

In her summary judgment ruling against Griggs, the judge referred to Barry's statement and said that "there was only one explicit sexual proposal made to a receptionist and it is unclear when that was made and there is no evidence that it was generally known among the employees."

In an email, Lyttle told Insider that he "would not have hired Mr. Douthit or anyone else if I had any knowledge that they had 'prior problems of abuse of women.' 

"What someone is claiming I said, does not sound like anything I would say – either then or now.  I cannot respond more definitively because of how much time has elapsed," he wrote.

"These allegations are not only completely false, but they appear to be based upon multiple layers of hearsay," Douthit's lawyer wrote of Barry's claims.


'He'd make comments about their weight, he'd make comments about their teeth'

The success of "Judge Judy" depends on a steady stream of litigants from around the nation, most of whom the show portrays as hapless and undisciplined in the face of Sheindlin's withering gaze. Court records and interviews suggest that the show's veiled contempt for its guests — many of whom are of limited means — was explicit behind the scenes, with Douthit routinely mocking litigants in cruel and racist terms.

According to Griggs' allegations, Douthit, in the control room, openly talked about female litigants' breasts during show tapings and discussed whether they were "too ugly" or "too fat." Griggs said Douthit made pig or cow noises when he found litigants unattractive, called a Black guest a "ho," and said he wanted to "get" with litigants he found attractive. 

In court filings, Douthit denied calling a Black litigant a "ho," and said "I don't believe so" when asked whether he made pig noises. When asked if he ever made crude comments in the booth or on taping days, he said, "I hope not. I may have, but I hope not."

Seven former employees contacted by Insider said Douthit made crude remarks about litigants well after Griggs' lawsuit. Kurstin Haynes, a former producer who left the show in 2021, said Douthit frequently mocked the show's guests. "It was always inappropriate," she told Insider. "He'd make comments about their weight, he'd make comments about their teeth… or if they were disabled." (Haynes herself submitted a demand letter to CBS in August 2017, alleging that she was subjected to a pattern of discrimination at the show. She said CBS never responded and that, as far as she knows, HR never investigated her claims. She wasn't asked to join Sheindlin's new show.)

When grading producers' cases, Douthit made comments including "people gross" and "low rent." Provided by Kurstin Haynes

Douthit produced written reports in which he graded producers' cases, and former employees said he frequently used the reports to make degrading comments about litigants' appearance.

According to a sampling of Douthit's reports reviewed by Insider, he called litigants "gross" and "low rent." He also rated litigants' appearance, giving them a numbered score between 1 and 10.

"He definitely didn't talk about them like they were people, it was like they were subhuman," one former associate producer said.

Former employees said they were required to submit photos of litigant candidates to Jenest and Douthit to make sure they had, among other things, intact teeth — a particular concern of Douthit's, according to these former employees.

"There were many times people would show up without teeth and it was a nightmare, since you'd get in big trouble if that happened," the associate producer said. "[Douthit] would be like, 'Who is this disgusting person?'"

He definitely didn't talk about them like they were people, it was like they were subhuman.

Producers were so frightened of drawing Douthit's ire with a litigant who didn't meet his standards that one person said she booked a makeover for the litigant before showing up for a taping.

"That's how much pressure people are under to try and get a case so they don't get fired," this person said. "And so I did that with one of my cases, and I sent this woman to a salon and ... had her hair completely redone, had her lip waxed, everything you'd do to make someone look as best as they could. And then she walks onto the set as we start filming, and [Douthit] whips around to me and he's like ... 'Who is this scum?'" 


Court records also include claims of a pattern of racism at the show

The show had some ground rules. Open criminal cases were a hard no, and Sheindlin didn't like cases involving dogs or dog bites. According to three former employees, she also nixed cases involving strippers.

But according to allegations in court records, the show had another rule: Douthit told producers he didn't want Black litigants on the show.

In 2009, a former senior producer named Jonathan Sebastien alleged in a lawsuit that Douthit discriminated against litigants by specifically screening out Black people.

Comments made by Douthit, according to the complaint, included telling producers "We're not doing any more Black shows"; "I don't want to hear no Black language on the TV"; and "I don't want to hear Black people arguing." The suit also claimed Sebastien was told his cases were rejected because litigants were "too old, ugly, no dykes allowed, too ghetto!"

Sebastien alleged that when he complained, Douthit replied that the producers "had no choice, they had to book white upscale, pretty people," and that they should instead send their "Black cases" to "Judge Joe Brown," another Big Ticket Television program, which starred a Black judge.

In a deposition taken during the case, Douthit said he screened litigants in an attempt to mirror the population of the country. Asked whether he remembered telling producers to screen out Black litigants, Douthit said he couldn't recall.

Sebastien was fired in March 2007. He reached a settlement agreement for an undisclosed amount in May 2009. He did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

In the letter to Insider, Douthit's lawyer wrote that "​​the assertion that Mr. Douthit engaged in racism in connection with casting decisions is completely false." He also wrote that "the allegations concerning Mr. Douthit in this lawsuit were entirely false."

However, six former staffers told Insider that Douthit told employees he didn't want too many Black litigants on the show; one said this behavior continued into 2021. He also discouraged booking cases with older litigants, the former producers said.

One former associate producer recalled a meeting in 2011 or 2012 in which they said Douthit told staffers not to bring in too many Black people, because it would make the show look "ghetto." (A different staffer also recalled Douthit using the term "ghetto" around the office.) Another person who worked at the show in the early 2010s told Insider that if the case involved a Black plaintiff and defendant, Douthit said he would put the case on hold to see what else he could find and move forward with the case only if he had no other option.

In 2012, during an internal chat between two associate producers, one of whom provided the conversation to Insider, an employee wrote that someone "just came over to me all frustrated because her case is good but got put on hold because the litigants are Black," while another person's "fucking dumb cases are going through because they're white." (The staffer did not respond to Insider's requests for comment.)

According to Haynes, Jenest told her the show didn't want viewers to think Sheindlin talked down to Black people. Seven sources told Insider that Jenest also encouraged the practice through the use of her "count" — a tally of cases that producers had booked, and which these people said specifically categorized cases involving Black litigants and people over 40.

They said that Jenest's assistant asked people about their "AA" cases — code for African American, they said — when asking about their count. "She'd say, 'OK, are they over 40 or under 40 or AA?" one former producer told Insider. Once Jenest hit this quota, the former producer said, she would stop accepting cases featuring Black litigants.

Sheindlin in 1997. Donaldson Collection/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty

"I guess they felt like Judy's demographic were middle-aged white people at home and they wanted to continue to skew to that demographic," the producer said.

'Judy ran the ship, so if she didn't want to do it, you didn't do it'

Sheindlin by and large didn't interact with staffers besides Douthit, former employees told Insider, opting instead to have a firewall so the cases could seem as legitimate as possible. That extended to other aspects of the office: Four former employees said the production staff members were told they couldn't get in line for lunch before the judge.

"Judy had to be the first person to go through the lunch line, as if she was the queen of England," one of these people said. ("I must give a mea culpa about sometimes being first on the buffet line," Sheindlin told Insider.)

Still, according to Petri Hawkins Byrd, who served as Sheindlin's trusted on-air bailiff and sidekick on the original show, she was heavily involved with the show's production.

"Judy ran the ship, so if she didn't want to do it, you didn't do it," Byrd told Insider. "Whatever Judy wanted to do, that's what got done," he said.

Fear of running afoul of the show's rulemakers was constant, staffers told Insider. One former staffer said Jenest constantly told people they should be grateful for their jobs and "if you're not happy with it, there's the door." Producers were expected to find great cases for the show while abiding by rules that made finding cases exceedingly difficult. There was a ban on promissory notes, staffers said; such documents, which spell out how much money one party is owed, made it too easy for Sheindlin to arbitrate a case.

Former employees said that the result was an environment where manipulating cases, even though they involved real people and were legally binding, was common. Former employees said that Jenest encouraged them to alter litigants' cases — adding extra claims to a case for juicier television, for example. Two people described Jenest as the "spin doctor," a reference to her ability to engineer drama in cases.

"I'm like, 'Whoa, I don't even know if that happened, though, Vicky,'" one producer said. "These are real people, this is a real case … these aren't two actors." The producer recalled encouraging one plaintiff to amend her complaint to claim that a defendant had harassed them in the hopes of making the case more interesting  — even though the plaintiff felt the harassment hadn't been significant enough to merit mention in their initial complaint.

But insiders said that even as they were encouraged to make cases more exciting, they were still at risk of losing their jobs if Douthit or Sheindlin found out about it. Jenest, they said, wouldn't protect them.

"It was a horrible place to work," the producer told Insider. "You're told to stick to the [show's] law, but then you're being told by the head producer that he needs a show… do whatever you can to make a show, OK, but if I do that, are you telling me my job's on the line?"

Drinking was also prevalent in the office during working hours, according to seven people, and Haynes said that it continued up until March 2020. It was common for staffers, Jenest included, to drink alcohol during lunch. "They'd always want to get mojitos at lunch," one former employee said. "They would order pitcher after pitcher."

"People would be crying, drinking, you wouldn't be sleeping because Randy and Vicky almost would just get off on watching everyone be so fucking stressed out that you couldn't see straight," another former staffer said. "Everyone who is there is miserable." 

Former employees said CBS human-resources employees were frequently called on to investigate and mediate workplace conflicts at the show; four recalled a period in the early 2010s when a human-resources staffer was in the office on a weekly basis.

"I can say with utmost certainty that the 'Judge Judy' office is the most unprofessional, mismanaged, unhealthy, and, overall, dysfunctional environment I have ever worked in," one former staffer wrote in an emailed complaint to HR, shared with Insider, in 2012.

In 2010, a different former employee — who told Insider she left the show because she found the culture to be toxic and says she was harassed by a producer — emailed a former executive producer: "I am literally scared of the idea of having to walk into that office again… this mental instability is no longer worth it to me."

"While we can't comment on personnel matters that were investigated and addressed, we want to be clear that the egregious behavior, or patterns of behavior, like those described in this article are not tolerated at CBS or at any of our productions," a CBS Media Ventures spokesperson wrote in an email. "We are committed to a workplace culture that is safe, inclusive and respectful for all team members with clear policies and processes in place to support that."


The pandemic made an already difficult environment worse

In March 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic emerged, there was still mounting pressure on staffers to continue producing "Judge Judy." 

In a series of video clips taken during a staff meeting and heard by Insider, Douthit and Freisleben seemed to disregard employees' fears about COVID-19. 

During the March 12, 2020, meeting — one day after the World Health Organization declared a pandemic — Freisleben told producers they needed to continue booking litigants. "What's the risk, coming to this office doing your job right now?" Freisleben asked at one point.

Staffers expressed fears about continuing to work at the office — the building was poorly ventilated, with sealed windows, and they were worried about interacting with litigants and getting family members sick. When someone said they were worried about vulnerable people and older people, Douthit told them to not hang around old people.

"I'm not worried about myself — I'm worried about my parents. I'm worried about carrying it for 10 days and giving it to my father who's diabetic and has high blood pressure," one employee said through tears. "Best-case scenario, we're all healthy and everything's perfect. Worst-case scenario someone we know will die."

"Maybe," Douthit responded curtly.

After a heated exchange, Douthit finally agreed to try a work-from-home setup. But he had a caveat: "As long as it works," he said. "If it doesn't work, you're either back here or I find a replacement." 

When staffers asked whether Sheindlin was worried about the coronavirus, Freisleben said she was not. 

After the meeting, staffers complained to human resources about what had transpired, one employee in attendance told Insider. HR contacted some employees to look into the matter.

Douthit's attorney said that after the meeting, "Mr. Douthit went door-to-door to each employee asking if they wanted to work from home or from the office."


It wasn't just junior producers who felt mistreated and undervalued 

Byrd, Sheindlin's longtime bailiff, wasn't asked by the judge to join her new venture, he told Entertainment Weekly last month. He said he didn't know she was producing a new show until she announced it during an appearance last year on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."

While fans were shocked, it wasn't the first time Byrd had been left out. In 2019, the judge was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Daytime Emmys. Staffers expected that he would present the award, he said, given their long-standing relationship. Instead, it was presented by Amy Poehler. (During the ceremony, Poehler said, "I wish Byrd your bailiff could hand you this award the way he hands you photos in court, not making eye contact with the queen he has sworn to protect.")

Byrd. AP Photo/Chris Pizzello

Byrd told Insider that while Sheindlin and Douthit sat about five or six rows back from the stage, he didn't sit with them and instead was seated 15 or 20 rows back from the stage with the producers. A few months later, he ran into Poehler, who seemed equally as confused by his exclusion.

According to Sheindlin, it was Poehler who had called the Television Academy and asked if she could present the judge with the award, because "she is a huge fan." 

"I've never slighted her — I've always thought of her as a friend. And she's said it before that we're friends," Byrd said of Sheindlin. "I'm like, then I guess I'd have to ask you to define your definition of friend. It might be a little different from mine."

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