Here Are The Biggest Republican Supporters In Silicon Valley

Republicans among the Silicon Valley Elite take a number of different forms business minded CEOs, arch-libertarians, and even politicians themselves. They're nowhere near as common as their techie Democrat counterparts, but there are many computer savvy GOP boosters out there.

mitt romney meg whitmanRepublicans among the Silicon Valley Elite take a number of different forms — business minded CEOs, arch-libertarians, and even politicians themselves. 

They're nowhere near as common as their techie Democrat counterparts, but there are many computer savvy GOP boosters out there.

But since many are hard to find or are coy about their beliefs we went and found them for you. 

We've looked around for open admissions and declarations of GOP loyalty, but we've also gone a step further. Judging by actions instead of words, we've taken a look through FEC data from the Center for Responsive Politics to see who the top names in tech are donating to — and who are Republican boosters.

Facebook Investor Peter Thiel is in the vanguard of the new breed of Silicon Valley Republicans — Rich Libertarians

Thiel's contributions blow everyone else completely out of the water.

He gave a total $2.6 million to Endorse Liberty, a SuperPAC that supports Ron Paul. 

He also gave $2 million to the Club for Growth Action, the conservative Club for Growth's SuperPAC. 

He also gave $135,000 to Revolution PAC, a second pro-Ron Paul Super PAC.

He gave $10,000 to the Republican Party of California and another $10,000 to the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County, in Ohio. 

Aside from that, he gave Texas Tea Party Senate candidate Ted Cruz $7,400, Sen. Orrin Hatch $4,800, Ohio Senate candidate Josh Mandel $5,000, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy $5,000, and New York Republican Congressional candidate Randy Altschuler $5,000. 

He's also given $10,000 to the Facebook PAC. 

Total Contributions: $4,792,200

Marc Andreessen, the investor and co-author of the Mosaic Browser, is a massive mainstream GOP donor

Bloomberg Television

Andreessen and his wife Laura have been big boosters of the GOP, and Mark Andreessen has been vocal about his support for Mitt Romney. But even more, he's put his money where his mouth is.

Andreessen is in many ways a more mainstream Peter Thiel. 

This cycle alone, Andreessen has given $100,000 to Restore Our Future, the SuperPAC designed to support Mitt Romney in the upcoming election. He's also given $30,800 to the National Republican Senatorial Committee, $30,500 to the National Republican Congressional Committee, and thousands to a variety of Hose Republicans. He's given the requisite $2,500 to Romney. 

HP CEO Meg Whitman ran for the Governor of California as a Republican


Whitman, the new CEO of HP and 2010 Republican candidate for California governor, is still a loyal member of the GOP and has given $100,000 to Restore Our Future, Mitt Romney's SuperPAC.

She's also given $2,500 each to Rep. Paul Cook (R-CA) and California State Senator Tony Strickland's congressional bid. 

She's also given money to the Proctor & Gamble PAC, plus $1,800 to the 2012 GOP Delegation. 

Intel Chairman Craig Barrett is a GOP mega donor

Intel's Craig Barrett and Microsoft's Bill Gates shaking hands in 1999, when "Wintel" still ruled the world. AP

Flake has given $106,300 this cycle so far. He's given $53,300 to the Republican National Committee over the past two years, and gave to top names like former Governor of Hawaii Linda Lingle, Speaker John Boehner, George Allen in Virginia, Ben Quayle in Arizona and Mitt Romney.

Facebook CFO David Ebersman is a GOP Backer


Ebersman — who did donate to Barack Obama in 2007 — has given to a number of Republican causes, most before his time serving as the Chief Financial Officer at Facebook. 

He gave $1,000 to John McCain in 2008, and also gave the National Republican Senatorial Committee $2,000 then as well. This cycle, Ebersman has kept a low political profile, only contributing $10,000 to the Facebook PAC. 

Michael Dell is a big time Republican


Dell has given more than $100,000 over the past three years, and almost all of it was to Republicans.

He's cut checks to the Republican National Committee reliably.This round, he's given to individual Republicans Rep. Michael McCaul, Rep. Lamar Smith and Rep. John Carter, but the Dell Computers founder has a long history of GOP support. 

Sun Microsystems Founder Scott McNealy is an old school Republican.


This round, the Sun Microsystems founder has given a full $22,600 to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. He's also given $2,500 directly to Mitt Romney.

He's also supported John McCain, David Drier and Carly Fiorina in the past. 

AOL CEO Tim Armstrong is a major donor


Armstrong has donated $25,000 to Republicans this cycle so far, including $20,000 to the Republican National Committee and $2,500 to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Armstrong has also ventured into the 2012 Senate race with a $2,500 investment into fellow CEO Linda McMahon's campaign in Connecticut. 

Steve Ballmer is a Republican who covers his bases


Ballmer has given $32,500 to Republicans including $15,000 to the Republican National Committee.

He's also supported the leadership PACs of both Republican House Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and made donations to the campaign coffers of Republican Senator Dean Heller, who is running for re-election in Nevada, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Washington Congressman Dave Reichert, and Republican Senator Olympia Snowe, who is retiring at the end of the year. 

Historically, he has covered his bases politically by contributing similar amounts to Democrats. At the same time, Ballmer is a professed Republican, working on George W. Bush's 2004 re-election campaign as well as helping many other Republican Senatorial and House campaigns. 

Intel CEO Paul Otellini is a generous Republican


This year alone, Otellini has given $19,000. While most of that went to the National Republican Congressional Committee and Intel's PAC, Otellini also contributed to the campaigns of Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts, Rep. Jeff Flake of Arizona, Speaker John Boehner, and Heather Wilson, who is running for Senate in New Mexico. 

While Oracle founder Larry Ellison seems to be an independent moderate, he supports the GOP more than most of the Silicon Valley crowd.

Larry Ellison AP

Ellison has given $20,000 to Republican candidates this cycle, more than he's given to Democrats.

Beneficiaries of Ellison's largess include House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT).

Now see the full list — you'll be surprised

DeneyTerrio, Jurvetson, BloomEnergy / flickr

Meet The Biggest Political Donors In Silicon Valley >

