In defence of the first lady's right to bare arms | Fashion

With the absence of anything consequential to criticise the Obamas for, those desperate to find fault in the first couple have resorted to griping about what the pair wear around the White House. Last week, one of George Bush's aides was carping that the new president's penchant for shirtsleeves was inappropriate. "There should be a


In defence of the first lady's right to bare arms

With the absence of anything consequential to criticise the Obamas for, those desperate to find fault in the first couple have resorted to griping about what the pair wear around the White House.

Last week, one of George Bush's aides was carping that the new president's penchant for shirtsleeves was inappropriate. "There should be a dress code of respect," said Andy Card, Bush's former chief of staff.

Now, the snipers have turned their attention towards Michelle Obama. Apparently, she is always exposing her arms - the deviant. After she posed for her first official White House photo in a sleeveless dress, the fashion pack dug their nails in, dismissing the look as way too informal and well out of season. A congressional aide then suggested that the first lady's dedication to baring her arms was probably costing the White House a packet in heating bills.

As someone whose arms are more often out than in, can I say here: some of us just overheat easily. I am typing this in a sleeveless polkadot top. I know it's not summer - I just find this office too hot, OK? The only days I deliberately don sleeves are when I know I'm going to court. For some reason, the sight of a bare arm offends judges, and court clerks have been known to demand female reporters put their cardigans back on.

But what's the problem with showing a bit of arm? Last time I checked, neither Michelle nor I lived in an Islamic state where seeing more than a lady's irises is believed to send men on the road to ruin. And arms aren't sexualised in the way that legs or breasts or bottoms are. The way I see it, they're just two useful appendages sticking out from my shoulders, and having them out allows me to do even more stuff. That said, the gesture I wish to extend to all the arm fascists out there could be expressed even if I had my jumper on - involving, as it does, only my middle finger.

