Elvis and me: The most intimate portrait of the King yet, by his best friend of 29 years

Updated: 10:07 EST, 14 August 2010 2 View comments GEORGE KLEIN was so close to Elvis Presley that the King was best man at his wedding. Here, he reveals what everyday life was really like in the Presley inner circle - and why he still blames himself for his best friend's death.



GEORGE KLEIN was so close to Elvis Presley that the King was best man at his wedding. Here, he reveals what everyday life was really like in the Presley inner circle - and why he still blames himself for his best friend's death.

Travelling by private jet with a beautiful woman at your side might be the stuff of many men's fantasies. But when I made such a trip in the autumn of 1971, it was one of the most nerve-racking journeys of my life.

The woman in question was Elvis Presley's latest girlfriend, Joyce Bova, a petite 25-year-old with long dark hair and olive skin who was an administrator at the White House.

She had flown from Washington to attend one of her boyfriend's concerts in Philadelphia. She needed to be back home for work next morning and, since I was one of Elvis's most trusted aides, he asked me to fly with her and make sure she arrived safely. 

Best of friends: George Klein was one of Elvis Presley's most trusted aides, and was even best man at his wedding to Priscilla

Best of friends: George Klein was one of Elvis Presley's most trusted aides

During the flight, Joyce fell asleep and snuggled up against me. I knew she wasn't flirting, but I wasn't taking any risks. I'd seen how jealous Elvis could be from a terrifying incident I'd witnessed at a party in his hotel suite in Las Vegas when a country singer named Jimmy Dean began flirting with another of his flames.

Although at the time, Elvis was supposed to be happily married to Priscilla, he moved angrily to Jimmy's side and put a handgun to his head.

'Leave her alone,' he said. Everyone tried to laugh it off but the message was clear. You didn't mess with Elvis's woman. This incident was flashing through my mind as Joyce continued to lean against me. 

'If you shift in your seat and this girl wakes up and thinks you made some kind of move on her, it's all over,' I told myself. I twisted my head as far away from her as possible and kept my hands frozen on my knees. It was the most uncomfortable plane ride of my life, but I figured it was safer to suffer from cramp than have a bullet through my brain.

It will strike many of his fans as bizarre that a superstar like Elvis ever had to feel jealous or threatened. This was, after all, the King of Rock 'n' Roll, one of the most important figures in 20th-century culture, who had sold millions of albums and who could make women faint with one thrust of his famous pelvis.

Yet somewhere deep inside this supremely confident performer was the boy who was bullied by the popular kids when we were both pupils at Humes High School in Memphis, Tennessee.

Elvis joined the school when he was 13, after his parents moved to the city from Tupelo, just across the state line in Mississippi. I didn't take much notice of this shy newcomer, until the day he brought in his guitar and sang for our music class.

Sleeping alongside Elvis was not a particularly restful experience. Almost as soon as we settled down I heard whispers of 'Elvis, we love you, can we come in?'

Naturally, the other children sniggered at first. But when he finished singing Old Shep, which was later one of his best-loved hits, there was an astonished silence. For the first time in my life - although there would be many more to follow - I thought 'Damn, that guy's cool.'

Not everyone agreed. As we moved up through school, Elvis was ridiculed. He stuck out like a sore thumb because, unlike the rest of us, he never wore jeans. He said they reminded him of the shabby work clothes his poor family had to wear back in Tupelo.

Instead, he sported black trousers with a pink stripe down the side and had his hair combed back high with amazing sideburns. He hadn't grown into his good looks yet so most Humes girls weren't sure what to make of him. As for the boys, they felt someone so different deserved to be punished.

One day, Elvis was cornered in the toilets by a group of boys who threatened to cut off his hair. His pompadour was only saved when Red West, one of the most fearless guys at school, came in and announced that, if they wanted to cut Elvis's hair, they'd have to cut his first.

Elvis remembered and rewarded such kindness and Red West later became a member of his tight inner circle, known as the 'Memphis Mafia'. My friendship with Elvis at school also earned me a place in that elite team.

'George was one of the few guys that didn't kid me or give me a hard time. He was always kind to me and I never forgot it,' he once said.

I began working with Elvis in 1957, four years after we'd left school. He was then only 22 but already had ten number one singles and two Hollywood films to his credit. 

Unpredictable: Elvis presented George and his wife with a pair of gold-plated handguns as a present when he was best man at their wedding

Unpredictable: Elvis presented George and his wife with a pair of gold-plated handguns as a present when he was best man at their wedding

When he heard I'd been fired from my job as a local radio DJ, he immediately invited me to join him on tour as his travelling companion. 'You don't have to do nothing but be with me,' he said.

That night he invited me to stay over at the Presley family home on Audubon Drive, in an upmarket part of Memphis. He'd bought it for his parents, Vernon and Gladys, and his grandmother, Minnie. It was the first really nice home that they had ever lived in, but there were no spare bedrooms so Elvis suggested that I take one half of his king-sized bed.

I quickly realised that sleeping alongside him was not a particularly restful experience. Almost as soon as we settled down on our respective sides, I heard a soft tapping sound from somewhere outside in the garden, accompanied by whispers of 'Elvis, we love you. Elvis, can we come in?'

Elvis just shrugged. 'That's just the girls outside,' he said. 'They figured out where my bedroom is so now they just sit on the other side of the wall. Happens every night.'

This was my introduction to the crazy world I inhabited for the next two decades.
In the years to come, I would build my own career as a successful radio and TV presenter but I spent a lot of time touring with Elvis or hanging out with him at home.

Although I was on his payroll, he was far more than an employer to me. He became my closest friend and even my best man, presenting my wife and me with a pair of gold-plated handguns as a wedding present. One Christmas he gave me a brand new Cadillac and I still wear the gold ring he handed me for my birthday one year.

Bullied: Elvis, pictured aged 12, stuck out like a sore thumb at school because he never wore jeans

Bullied: Elvis, pictured aged 12, stuck out like a sore thumb at school because he never wore jeans

In return, he asked only for my friendship. I think he appreciated the chance to speak freely to someone he could trust.

Often we'd chat as we drove around different cities late at night and I soon got used to Elvis's strange habit of stopping off at funeral homes in the early hours of the morning. His logic was that they were the only places open at that time.

I'd stay in the lobby while he'd find the undertaker, ask to see any bodies that had come in that night and tour the facilities, asking questions about embalming and other gruesome subjects.

I never did understand this fascination but later Elvis would sometimes take new girlfriends with him on these visits. He'd pull back the sheets covering the cadavers and reason that if they could handle that, they could handle anything.

Out on the road, my duties included scouting out the best-looking girls in every audience and inviting them back to party in Elvis's hotel room. The rest of the guys, myself included, happily racked up one-night stands but Elvis seemed simply to enjoy female companionship. Whether or not that ended up in physical intimacy didn't seem important to him.

Then again, things certainly could heat up. On a wrestling night in Memphis he was particularly impressed by a female wrestler named Penny Banner who told him what a big fan she was.

Well, I like the way you wrestle honey,' he replied. Later that night they worked on their own wrestling moves.

This clearly put him in the mood for some fun because a few days later he announced we were going to Vegas. All our trips were made by train or car because Elvis had experienced some dicey plane landings on earlier tours, after which his mother forbade him to fly. Her word was law as far as Elvis was concerned.

In Vegas, he was seduced by a flame-haired stripper called Tempest Storm who was well-known for her enormous pair of what she called 'money-makers'.

It was an unforgettable night but for all the wrong reasons. What Elvis remembered was that she had a French poodle, which she locked in an adjoining room while they made love. It barked and scratched at the door all night long and when they bumped into each other again many years later, the first thing Elvis asked Tempest was: 'Do you still have that damned little poodle?'

'All this Graceland stuff, the movies, the records, it's all been for my mom,' Elvis told me when his mother died. 'It was all for her, and now she can't enjoy it'

Of course, amidst all the highs of life on the road with Elvis, there were many lows. When his mother died of hepatitis in August 1958, aged only 46, the sight of a grieving Elvis ripped me apart.

The Presleys were then living at Graceland, the Memphis mansion that became Elvis's much-loved home for the rest of his life.

Several times in the terrible week that followed, I found him sitting in his mother's room, weeping over an article of her clothing. He looked so weak that I worried he might collapse during the funeral service.

'You know, all this Graceland stuff, the movies, the records, it's all been for my mom,' he told me. 'It was all for her, and now she can't enjoy it.' That choked me up so much that I couldn't answer him.

Mrs Presley's death was all the harder for Elvis because he had to spend the next two years in Germany during his national service with the US Army. There he began his relationship with Priscilla Beaulieu who was famously only 14, ten years Elvis's junior, when they met in 1959.

When Elvis first brought Priscilla to Graceland during the Christmas of 1962, it was obvious that his feelings for her were stronger than anything he'd ever experienced before. But this did not stop him seeing other women, including the actress Ann-Margret, his glamorous 22-year-old co-star in the film Viva Las Vegas, which began filming the following summer.

The Memphis Mafia were desperate for a glimpse of this beauty and one night, when Elvis brought her back to the house he had rented for us all in Hollywood, he was furious to discover that we had been peeping through the living-room curtains as he wooed her. 

Strong feeleings: George with Elvis and Priscilla at their wedding in 1967

Strong feeleings: George with Elvis and Priscilla at their wedding in 1967

He couldn't stay angry for long. After all, it was he who had installed a two-way mirror in
the door of a cupboard that led off one of the bedrooms. We often invited girls up from the film sets to party with us and I can remember being jammed in that cupboard with Elvis, trying to stop laughing as we watched one of the other guys seducing a date.

Elvis wasn't faithful to Priscilla even after their marriage in 1967 and the birth of their daughter Lisa Marie the following year. But he was still terribly lonely when, in 1972, just five years into the marriage, they split up.

Just as he'd sent me to find girls for our parties, he asked me to find a woman he might enjoy spending time with. I introduced him to Linda Thompson, a former Miss Tennessee, who'd been a guest on my TV show Talent Party.

For the next few years they went 'steady' but, as Linda discovered, that was always a relative term for Elvis. When she went away for two weeks towards the end of 1976, he wanted me to find him some 'interesting people' to spend some time with, so I called up other guests I'd had on Talent Party and assorted dancers and waitresses from around town.

During that fortnight, he had a date with a different girl almost every night. Without fail,
each of them told me that Elvis was a gentleman who had treated his guest beautifully. A few of the girls tried to guarantee a return visit to Graceland by leaving behind a personal item, such as a sweater, a purse and even a brassiere.

Famous beauty: Elvis with Ann- Margret, his glamorous 22-year-old co-star in the film Viva Las Vegas

Famous beauty: Elvis with Ann- Margret, his glamorous 22-year-old co-star in the film Viva Las Vegas

Towards the end of their relationship, Linda was more like a nurse and mother to Elvis than a lover. For a long time, the Memphis Mafia had chosen to believe that the prescription drugs he was taking were for the gastrointestinal problems he suffered in later life. Nobody wanted to acknowledge that the most incredible person we'd ever known was struggling with a terrible chemical dependency, until finally his bloated appearance and erratic performances made it impossible to ignore the truth.

He refused to go into a rehab clinic. At one point, I talked to his doctor about the possibility of sedating him and admitting him against his will but even as I was saying it, I knew we couldn't go through with it. It would have been like attacking him.

I see now that we should all have been more worried about his health and less about whether we'd continue to be welcomed through the Graceland gates.

I've come to believe that if his mother had lived a full life, Elvis would still be with us today. But the people who had the most leverage with him were his father Vernon and his long-time manager Colonel Tom Parker.

If they had pushed for Elvis to go into rehab, he may have gone. But both had too much at stake. It seems heartless now but Vernon, who ran his son's financial affairs, was concerned about his own job security, and the Colonel didn't want anything to interfere with Elvis making money on the road. So with Elvis at his most vulnerable, no one stepped in to help.

The last time I saw my friend alive was Sunday, August 7, 1977. He had hired a Memphis theme park for the night as a treat for his daughter, Lisa Marie, then nine.

Riding the dodgems, he looked like a little kid again but nine days later came the news that shocked the world. At the age of just 42, Elvis had suffered a heart attack and had been found dead on the floor of his bathroom.

When I heard the initial reports about his death, I prayed that there had been a terrible mistake and I drove to Graceland as fast as I could.

I went in through the back door to Elvis's den, just as I had so many times before. The room was full of people crying and holding on to each other, but one terrible sound cut through all the other noise in the room, the uncontrollable sobbing of Vernon Presley.

'We've lost him, George, we've lost him,' he said through his tears. 'We've lost my dear, dear son.' 

It hit me then, and I started crying, too.

Adapted from Elvis: My Best Man, by George Klein and Chuck Crisafulli, published by Virgin Books on 2 September at £18.99. To order a copy at £17.10 (p&p free), call 0845 155 0720.

