More Jacked Than Every Other Actor: Despite Praising Dwayne JohnsonsExquisite Physique Bod

From the days of his WWF (now WWE) prowess, when he won over the heart of every wrestling fan from the 90s, to his foray into Hollywood with the 1999 film The Mummy, Dwayne The Rock Johnson has come a long way in his life. But what has also kept him a mass favorite is

From the days of his WWF (now WWE) prowess, when he won over the heart of every wrestling fan from the 90s, to his foray into Hollywood with the 1999 film ‘The Mummy, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has come a long way in his life. But what has also kept him a mass favorite is his incredibly jacked physique. Bodybuilding fans, of which many are devoted to Johnson, often follow his routine to attain a ripped body like him. But another bodybuilding icon, trying to find a reason behind Dwayne Johnson’s exquisite physique, did a deeper critical analysis of his body and uncovered some uncomfortable truths.

Derek from ‘More Plates More Dates’ recently made a YouTube video where he was examining every muscle of The Rock’s jacked physique. He praised him where praise was due, but also called him out for some not-so-glorious parts of his physique.

Canadian bodybuilder didn’t hold anything back in bashing Dwayne Johnson

Derek said, “He’s f**king huge, he’s more jacked than every other actor in Hollywood, and yet he still has a worse six-pack development than pretty much every single actor”, looking at The Rock’s workout in the gym. Derek even believes that even actors who weigh 100 lbs less than him have got better abs than Johnson. But how did he get to that conclusion?

“You can see in some angles, the abdominal separation is certainly lean enough to have visible abdominal separation. However, there’s just no development necessarily. Now, is there anything he can do about this? Is he just not training his abs hard enough? No. At the end of the day, this comes down to genetics”, said Derek previously after examining Johnson’s physique from every angle.

Derek praised the 51-year-old wrestler-turned-actor who spends a vast amount of his time inside the gym and didn’t hold his workout regimen a reason for the shortcomings he mentioned. But he also didn’t hesitate to put it all on Dwayne Johnson’s genetics.

Genetics and age might hold him back, believes Derek

Derek, who is a bodybuilder from Vancouver, Canada, thinks that Johnson has essentially reached a place in his life, where his bodybuilding prowess has peaked. He also attributes his age as a factor in this regard. He said, “It’s just like a guy who has a sh**ty bicep peak. What can he do? He can just make a bigger version of a sh**ty bicep peak, but ultimately it will always be a sh**ty bicep peak”. Derek didn’t hold himself back in thrashing Dwayne Johnson in the one area of physique he thought Johnson needed to be called out.

Dwayne Johnson, who earned his nickname ‘The Rock’ during his WWF days, also built an image among his legion of fans for having one of the most incredibly jacked-up physicality, which he has maintained to date. However, Derek from More Plates More Dates believes that age and genetics have caught up with him and certain areas in his body aren’t as good as it looks, unlike what many people believe.

Watch this story:- Broke Teenager to Highest Paid Hollywood Actor: The Evolution of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson

